Teen Mom 2 is a reality show that follows teens from the MTV series "16 and Pregnant" after they have had their child. Right now the show features several teens, one who is a troubled teen named Janelle who no longer has custody of her son, Jace.
Several news reports have come out over the last year claiming that Janelle Evans has been arrested for beating the crap out someone, harassing an ex-roommate, and most recently violating a domestic abuse protection order. During the latest episode of Teen Mom 2 Janelle and her on/off boyfriend Kieffer were suppose to go to court to face charges of breaking and entering and possession of marijuana. Both of them had recently used marijuana and were afraid to fail a drug test so they were relieved to find that the court had been closed that day and rescheduled. She's a real winner folks. When Janelle isn't harassing someone or chasing after her dead beat boyfriends she is failing in school or NOT taking care of her son. Janelle signed over custody of Jace to her mother Barbara. Her mom takes care of Jace and has been since he was born.
Leah and Corey are newlywed teens who have twin daughters, Ali and Aleeah. On the most recent episode of Teen Mom 2, parents Leah and Corey found out that their daughter Ali does not have the serious disability that they thought which relieved them. Ali still does have to wear glasses and will have to attend physical therapy sessions to try and help over come some of her physical abnormalities and learn to walk. Since this season of Teen Mom 2 aired news reports came out saying that Leah and Corey are already divorced. According to Leah's twitter she is dating someone else, was engaged to that man on Christmas, and is pregnant with another child. She denied some reports that she was having twins again but did not deny the fact that she is pregnant. I guess Leah is unaware that birth control exists and fails to use other forms of protection. I guess there is nothing like having three children before the age of twenty. Next..
Kailyn is a teen mom featured on Teen Mom 2 with a son named Isaac who just turned one in recent episodes of the show. Her ex-boyfriend Jo is her son's father but they broke up and she is dating a nice guy named Jordan. Kail seems to have the least amount of drama on the show compared to some others but has different issues to work through since Jo is active in Isaac's life, and her bad family life. She recently moved out of her Mom's house but didn't even tell her Mom until she was fully moved because she was afraid to be kicked out before her apartment was ready. Her mother made her return a TV that Kail took from her own bedroom. Wow? What a bitch! I feel bad for Kail having to deal with that. On the most recent episode Kail decided to file for child support but Jo did not seem thrilled. He thinks that Kail should pay for everything on her own when she has Isaac. In recent news reports media is claiming that Kailyn and Jordan broke up and that she wants Jo back. Her website does not confirm nor deny that rumor. She just posted new pictures of Isaac's 2nd birthday one of which was with Jo. Also being reported is a mugshot of Jo who was apparently arrested for being under the influence of marijuana and Kail filing for full custody. Who knows!
Chelsea is a teen mom featured on Teen Mom 2 with her daughter Aubree and on/off boyfriend Adam. She is a good mom who stays out of teen drama except that of which happens when Adam is around. In the most recent episode of the show Chelsea moved out of her house and into a two-bedroom condo. Her boyfriend Adam (who is only a boyfriend half of the time) came over and did not bother to help move anything into the house but instead he left her there alone. Adam is basically a douche bag who deserves to be kicked in the balls. Even though everyone tells her to keep him out of her life, Chelsea continues to go head over heels for him when he comes around. Pathetic. The only news I have read about Chelsea is that her friend Megan (who revealed in the last episode that she was pregnant) gave birth to a little boy in July. All the best.. I guess seeing her friend become a teen parent wasn't enough to stop her from making the same mistake.