Big Brother 14 has come and gone and there are now only 3 houseguests left; Dan, Ian, and Danielle. While it has been a summer of fun, I can just as easily say that it has been a summer of horrific pain for most viewers. Watching this season and listening to all of the lies that Danielle Murphree has told is quite disgusting. She doesn't even own up to these lies in the Diary Room which makes me inclined to think she actually believes them herself. Although I could easily make this entire post about how much I hate her and how she makes me physically ill, I will go on and talk more about the show as a whole.
I've been a Big Brother fan since Big Brother 2000 aired 12 years ago so excuse me if I really get into it. Frank was my favorite houseguest this season other than Mike Boogie. I'm a huge fan of actual gameplay; manipulation and winning competitions are the two easiest ways to win me over. I have never liked people who sit in a corner all season and never speak but still make it to the end.
He deserves to be where he is in the final 3. He has manipulated an entire group of people into taking others out and even themselves. His prodigy, Danielle has been the biggest victim of his brain washing and manipulation but in the same breath, she is the easiest target. It goes to show that you don't have to win everything to make it to the end. Dan is neck and neck with Dr. Will Kirby (BB 2 and All Stars) for master minding the eviction of everyone during a season. Will never won a challenge but Dan has an HOH and POV under his belt this season. Close race.
Well Ian is a great kid. He is extremely intelligent but he lacks social skills. While I was not happy that he jumped ship on his original team, he did it with good intention and had to look out for himself. While Ian has been a victim to Dan's evil manipulation he is head-strong and knows what is going on to a certain extent. He has not thrown a competition for Dan unlike others. He made it this far and I hope to see him in the final 2 with Dan because he worked hard for it and played a great game. I have read a lot of people's articles saying that he is stupid for taking Dan if he wins part 3 of the HOH but I disagree. He has a certain level of integrity that he refuses to lose which I like about him. Morals usually mean nothing in the game for most people though. It sucks to give away 500k dollars just because you made a promise which is what I think Ian is doing, unfortunately.
There is nothing good to say about her at this time. As much as I try to write this with fact and no personal disdain for the girl, it isn't possible because there is literally nothing to say about her in a positive aspect. Danielle has let Dan manipulate her the entire game when she had every reason not to. She never went with her gut instinct and did only what he said. The fact of the matter is that she could be going to the final 2 and winning it if she would have evicted him and/or actually stayed mad at him like she wanted to. Her fake showmance with Shane is what first made me dislike her. At that time it was just a personal dislike for her character on the show until I realized that she actually believed what was clearly not real. I watched on the feeds time and time again when Shane told her to stop touching him, and that he didn't want to continue getting close with her in a "romantic" fashion because it would affect his game. Not all the blame can go to Danielle though because obviously Shane let Danielle get closer and closer to him until he was basically forced to go with it. Sick.. sad.. gross. Danielle in a game play aspect is a bit different. She did win things and she almost played a good game sometimes. When she went ahead and put Janelle up though it wasn't all because she wanted to, it was because Dan decided to let her. Danielle accused almost every house guest this season of attacking her which was never the case. I guess she wanted people to feel sorry for her but she never went into the Diary Room and owned up to any of the lies. She actually believed they were true. There is a list a few pages long with lies Danielle has told. Most of them have to do with her parents, family, and herself getting hurt or having illnesses. Danielle even went as far as to say that she had radiation treatments before the show on a "non-cancerous" lump in her breast. Unfortunately Danielle, doctors don't do radiation/chemo therapy on non-cancerous lumps in the breast except in rare instances especially on women who have breast implants. When a woman undergoes radiation they most likely than not, have their implants removed because radiation destroys the shape and consistency of them. Some people compare this lie to Season 12 Matt Hoffman who lied about his wife having an illness. Matt made that lie up for gameplay and even told everyone in the Diary Room about it. America knew it wasn't true. There is no comparison. She is ignorant. It is just that simple. She hasn't earned a spot in the final 2, and if she makes it there hopefully she won't win. No one should win if they play someone else's game and that is exactly what she did.
That is all I have to say about the final 3 Big Brother 14 houseguests. We will soon find out who the winner will be. Survivor is starting soon so I will probably have a few blogs coming about it. Til next time =)
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