Monday, August 12, 2013

Late night #BB15 racism discussion and sex

Flashback 8/12 1:45am Cam 3.

Talk turns to racism and how people are being portrayed.

Andy is upset that Aaryn made an insensitive comment regarding gay people being disgusting. Apparently Spencer said that David may have been gay and Aaryn followed it with "eww, that's disgusting." Andy took offense and I don't blame him.

Racism in the #BB15 house this year is off the charts. Nearly everyone has made insensitive, racial remarks. Amanda takes this time (flashback time above) to try and clear her name of all racist remarks she's made. There is actually a video out that shows some of Amanda's remarks. It's called Amanda Zuckerman- Social Justice Warrior.

Here is the link to that video: Amanda Zuckerman Social Justice Warrior

Basically how it went down.. Amanda denied all racism. She states that since she didn't have the INTENT to be racist that her comments have never been racist. She is trying to cover her tracks by saying that when she says "that's so gaaaaayyyyy" she actually means "that's so retarded." She has a family member who is black, and a family member who is mentally challenged so therefore she isn't being insensitive to minorities, or handicapped people. Plenty of fans of Amanda have backed her in saying that she isn't racist at all. Frankly, I think that THOSE people just don't want to believe she is racist because she says she isn't and she tries to use humor and sarcasm to cover her tracks when she slips up. Just because someone downplays an insensitive racial or otherwise remark, it doesn't make it any less hurtful or malicious to the person taking offense. Amanda hasn't just used racial and insensitive remarks but she also uses herself to get what she wants on the show. Big Brother has yet to air any of Amanda's comments, her open sex with McCrae, or her controlling behavior and bullying of other houseguests. I guess some people think that is good gameplay but after watching big brother for 10+ years, I can tell you that it is NOT good game play at all.

Amanda goes on and on in the discussion to clear herself of any negatives, even with Spencer playing devil's advocate. Sorry Amanda, but you haven't fooled me.

Next.... I'd like to touch on Amanda and McCrae's relationship. It isn't a surprise to live feeders that Amanda has been having her way with McCrae for weeks. In fact, almost every night in the Big Brother house Amanda hops on top of him and takes whatever she needs from him, even when he says no. Of course McCrae has never really stopped Amanda but last night on the feeds he was talking to Andy in the HOH room and said that he feels some what used. McCrae stated that he was kind of with a girl named Jessica before the show started and that he misses her. He also feels bad that she's seen him with Amanda. At this point, Andy doesn't know how often McCranda are having sex. If he did he may not be so apt to keeping them around. The pair who is being referred to as "McCranda" by feeders has gotten so close and so sexual that McCrae was actually worried that Amanda could be pregnant. After a week long pregnancy scare, Amanda states that she got her period; however, 2 nights later she was having sex with McCrae again. Either she had a short period, didn't really get her period, or they had sex while she was still on her period. Either way GROSS!

I'm not a fan of Amanda as a person or as a houseguest playing the game. I typically disassociate actual personal feelings of houseguests and dislike them for game reasons only but she is such a diamond in the rough that I decided to hate her for her personality as well. I can't like someone who uses herself forcibly as a prop in a game like Big Brother. I don't like the fact that she just jumps on top of McCrae and has sex with him whenever she wants. The manipulation is beyond game reasons there and it crosses the line. It seems like CBS is also sick of her constant sex with him because they end up changing the camera any time it happens now. SICKENING! I'd also like to add that never.. not even once has McCrae ever taken control of sex and initiated it with her. She has always gotten on top and done her thing. That should be a clue for her that he isn't as into it. I mean.. seriously. Icky!

Flashback 2:07am Cam 3/4 It looks like she grabbed a condom first at least! She sounds like a damn gorilla. You can't even tell McCrae exists under neath her.

and.. done. Wow that was quick.

1 comment:

  1. omg! awesome article and very well written
