Thursday, August 15, 2013

The 3AM alliance is running the house? Will Pandora's Box come back? #BB15

From last night---and speculation of what is to come in the game of Big Brother!

Some content may be offensive and as always, contains strong language. Reader beware.

The 3 AM alliance (Amanda, Aaryn, Andy, and McCrae) think they are running the house. To be quite honest they are and it is because AMANDA is actually running the house. To quote Amanda, "If you try to flip the house against me, you're out." She is so confident in her position in the house that she actually said that and in front of people too. No one bothered to correct her because they are scared to. 

At this point in the game it would be easy to get Amanda out if Helen, Elissa, Jessie, Aaryn, and GM would have a conversation. Helen has planted the seed with Aaryn to get Amanda out but since she has a final four deal with Amanda, it isn't likely that she will go with any plan. Little does Aaryn know, Amanda plans to get Aaryn out as well as Helen. Tonight's live eviction may prove to be something physical; however, in seasons past we have seen this week in a "Knock-Out" type HOH where players will be chosen to go head to head and answer answers based on previous competitions, then the winner would get to chose the next pair to face-off. 

Because McCrae formed a fake final 3 deal with Helen and Andy, Helen feels safe with McCrae and in turn he has given her the koolaid to believe that Amanda doesn't need to go yet. Up until last night Helen wanted to go after Amanda, and she even told Elissa to do so as well. Helen is a big flip flopper when it comes to who she wants out. She is careful about making her plans known until she does them. This HOH will show whether Helen is really a strategic player in control of herself, or if she is an easy manipulated mother that everyone believes she is. One thing is for sure though, once Amanda says jump her minions say "how high?" and last night on the feeds she brought the guillotine down on Helen's head and announced that she must go within the next two weeks. Sorry Helen, but I hope you get the chance to strike first.

(Photo from Big Brother 14, Jessie returns in PB)

So Pandora's box or not? I'm saying YES, Pandora's Box will make another appearance this coming week. Why...because those of you who watch Evel Dick's web show called "Dick at Nite" (subscription based) know that he recently had Jessie Godderz on who is Mr. Pandora's Box himself. Jessie neither confirmed nor denied allegations that he will be in PB this season but he was basically very forward in saying YES, he is going to be in PB again. You heard it right... CBS is probably going to reuse Jessie. He's been passed around by more CBS executives than we can count and it is no big rumor that Allison Grodner (producer) has a thing for him.

More rumors that are going around are that an evicted "jury" member will have the chance to return and come back to the game to play. This is most likely true because none of the evictee's were interviewed by CBS's own Jeff Schroeder, who has up until this point been interviewing evicted houseguests. The reason for the lack of interviewing is most likely because jury members are being sequestered separately so they can't share information about the game with one another. 

Exciting! My bet is that Judd will return, although I would much rather see Candice or Jessie. Judd pledged his allegiance to Amanda and McCrae. When he refused to hug Helen and actually hugged Amanda on his way out the door, shows that he believes Amanda really had his back, when she actually didn't. If Judd returns he will become another number for Amanda and she might accept him back. 

Let's not forget that the only reason Amanda planted the seed of Judd's eviction in Helen's mind was because McCrae told Amanda they were friends. Amanda is controlling. She has made it clear that McCrae is hers, as if he is an inanimate object that she owns. He isn't allowed to have deals without her permission and if he loses this game to her it will be his own fault for allowing it. McCrae knows and has said on the live feeds that Amanda is a "man-eater" who is controlling and over-bearing. I think he is scared to go against her because he has seen his peers evicted at her hand all season long. Little does he know that if he would just talk to others, he'd realize everyone would help him get her out.

(Actually if you watch their sex sessions this is quite true. McCrae gets told what to do with sex, and when to do it. He has never made a move and initiated this sex with her ever, but she gets on top and does what she does, then makes him manually finish her off if he is too quick. This is just a sick fact of the game that live feeders have figured out. As gross as it sounds, I just report it like I see it.)

So... since Amanda doesn't need anymore numbers on her side, i'd much rather see Candice or Jessie with another chance at the game. I am betting that if someone returns, we will see a second double eviction episode and those are always fun. Here's to hoping Aaryn won't be the next HOH tonight. 

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