Tuesday, September 3, 2013

GinaMarie Zimmeman insults Elissa Slater's son, racially #BB15

Well it's that time again.

Time again to write a blog about the racism that continues to worm its way through the Big Brother 15 house. CBS is really in for a treat this time!

I'm sure that you all remember GinaMarie..how can you forget her "Hey, I'm GinaMarie from Staten Island!" speeches. This is the girl who referred to Candice's mother as a crack head whore who fucks blacks and that Candice is just a crack baby. Even earlier on in the game, GM referred to medicaid as "N-word insurance" and says that she has it. I'm guessing that she has it because of her mental issues, rather than her financial ones. She is wearing hair extensions that she claims she paid for which were over $800 dollars. Most people who can't afford insurance or food are usually not buying hair extensions but HEY.. what do I know?

What do I know? Well I know for a fact that GinaMarie is racist garbage. She has never come close to redeeming her personality in the house, only her game play when she nominated McCranda for eviction. She has always led personal attacks on other houseguests and their families and last night was no different (early AM. To be more specific. 3:06 AM Pacific time)

After learning that Elissa was trying to possibly flip the house to keep Amanda, Gina Marie was in the backyard claiming that Elissa's son is "a spanish fucking puerto rican dirt monkey (or fucking something)" and goes on and on talking about his race and skin tone. Judd was the only one to say lets not talk about her son though he isn't much better when he freely throws around the word "cunt" when he talks about Elissa. Here is the video clip so you can listen for yourself.

                                   (I do not own any rights to this footage, it belongs to CBS)

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Monday, August 26, 2013

Amanda harasses Elissa dressed as a Bubbie, the New Year's granny #BB15

Here's a video montage of some of the stupid things Amanda said and did. 8 mins long

Yesterday on the feeds (Flashback time around 3:20pm, 8/25/13)

Amanda decides to blow a party horn in Elissa's ear. Her plan is to make Elissa's life hell and torture so that Andy can console her, thus him not getting nominated. Amanda thinks that if Andy doesn't go on the block she can save Aaryn and keep her final 4 intact. Amanda is realizing that without those people that she can control, she is no where in this game. A photo montage of "Bubbie" the New Year's granny.

Amanda does her make up and hair to look like a Granny. She calls herself "Bubbie" and keeps blowing the horn.
Amanda, feeling proud of herself brags about how she will torture Elissa with the blowing of the horn. She says she is just like "EvelDick"
After given the idea to wear a robe, Amanda takes her clothing off and puts the robe on. She also adds some lipstick.
Amanda decides that since Elissa isn't giving her any attention she will  put condoms all over her memory wall photo. She was told to stop and we got FISH.
Amanda's attempt at defacing Elissa's wall photo failed so she puts hot sauce on a panty liner pad and puts it on Elissa's dresser where she keeps her clothing.

Here is a photo of the mess that Amanda made on Elissa's dresser. 

Earlier Amanda also put Elissa's OTEV plaque on the toilet. Someone took it out but she kept putting it back. Amanda verbally threatened to make Elissa's life hell for several hours.

She attacked Elissa's husband and her children, including her 8 year old son. She claimed that Elissa should have been a blow job and that her (as sperm) must have gone into the wrong hole. She claimed that her husband is actually her own father.  

I could go on and on and repeat everything Amanda has said about Elissa but there is no point. Amanda is trash and always will be trash (according to her behavior so far.)  Her rude comments just prove that. Regardless of whether she has ever been like this in "real life" makes no difference. She has displayed behavior that is wrong no matter where you are..in a game or not. People who argue that we don't know how these people are outside the game are making an invalid point. We've seen all we need to see in regards to most people's moral fiber and "how they are" in the real world. Being in a house might make you say and do things that you normally wouldn't; however, there comes a point when you realize you are losing control but don't care to stop it. Amanda has crossed that line.

She goes on highs and lows. She goes on these rants about Elissa, then cries 2 minutes later..and makes the excuse that Elissa should not have made fun of/attacked her. Elissa has never personally attacked anyone in the game thus far. Amanda is delusional and she is just trying to justify her actions to the houseguests. She actually said that she believes she is being portrayed as the "Jordan" of this season and not an evil person. So far, the show has not portrayed Amanda as what she really is. We will see on Wednesday if she finally gets the edit she deserves. The only footage they would have the entire day is how she is acting. I'll be disappointed if CBS continues to cover up the person Amanda really is. 

Pop another Adderal Amanda...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Spoiler Alert! Who won HOH and which jury member returned to the game? #BB15

We saw tons of fish on the feeds last night!
Spoilers to follow! Lets find out who won HOH and which Jury member returned to the game last night.

And they fell...one by one.

When the feeds returned McCrae and Spencer had already fallen off. and Jessie led with 4 balls already in her container. She was in the lead among Jury members and everyone else in the beginning. Then she fell off. Boy was she mad. Before she ran out of the competition, she yelled "F*** you Amanda!" Which I was ecstatic about. Amanda is a bad person and a terrible game player IMO. Her manipulation has become a sloppy bullying mess.

So Andy then fell which leaves Amanda, Elissa, and GM on the wall. Then Helen jumps off, followed by Candice. I say jumps off because it was clear that they did not fall..they jumped. Each of them left with class and wished everyone luck!

With Judd being the final Jury member left, he is back in the game! He loses concentration and falls soon after. If you check the image below you can see a wild fan being chased by a security guard. This was just an act to distract the players when balls were being thrown. As you can see, Elissa leads in balls.

Elissa then catches her 10th ball and wins HOH! We get trivia so we didn't get to see much. She was very happy and Amanda was very mad. Go Elissa! Woohoo!!

The houseguests (mostly Amanda) grill Judd on what happened in Jury. He tells them he was only allowed to talk game while the cameras were on, and getting footage. They had to sleep in separate rooms and weren't suppose to talk much.

Although Judd was welcomed with open arms, everyone has been talking about him behind his back.

GM and Elissa reiterate that Elissa won't nominate GM at all because they made a deal before the HOH comp. 

So there you have it. Elissa is the new HOH. She has already been talking about nominating either Amanda OR McCrae along side Aaryn. Hopefully Aaryn and GM can strike a deal with Elissa today so that she nominates both Amanda and McCrae. Elissa is trying to count on the fact that she or someone else will use veto and she can nominate Amanda. She doesn't seem to realize that she MUST nominate both Amanda and McCrae but today is the nomination ceremony, so it's a wait and see kind of thing! 

Thanks for reading. Follow me on twitter with the button on the left and subscribe if you like my blogs!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Why i'm rooting for Elissa Slater to win #BB15

Amanda rubs perfume on her nether-region after telling McCrae she "smells" down there. To quote Gina Marie "I'm a classy broad" comes to mind here.

Let me start by saying that on a typical day in the Big Brother house, I'd be watching and putting together a blog of spoilers and stuff to post for you all to read. Unfortunately, nothing has really happened that is worth writing about. In a short recap of the week I will say that Helen and Elissa tried hard to get Helen to stay. Helen tugged on the heart strings of Aaryn and Andy who are ultimately controlled by Amanda. Everyone is literally scared to go against Amanda even though she has no ability to win a competition.

Yesterday a lot of feathers were ruffled when Elissa finally approached Aaryn in the HOH room and flat out told her that she was making the wrong game move and that playing Amanda's game for her will not get Aaryn to the end. Her delivery with this attempt to save Helen really backfired and everyone got mad at her, saying she was bullying Aaryn. Actually, Aaryn said it herself when she told Helen and Elissa what they wanted to hear then went downstairs to tell Gina Marie and Amanda (and everyone) that she was being attacked. Aaryn clearly feeds on attention and drama. She was never attacked in my opinion and it is obvious that she is content protecting Amanda's game pieces.

After all of the HOH drama the Elissa bashing started. Helen was even present for some of it and she sometimes takes place, other times she defends Elissa. Every person in the house at this present moment has bashed Elissa on different levels. I am a huge fan of pushing people's buttons in this game of Big Brother, I even like a little tea poured over someone's head every now and again...but I do not like houseguests to form a Mob mentality type bashing session on another houseguest that goes SO FAR as to threaten sexual assault or physical harm to them. I loved EvelDick. He was my favorite BB houseguest on season 8. I loved his antics and I never felt like he took anything too far. Amanda, McCrae, Aaryn, Gina Marie, Spencer, and rarely Andy have sat in the HOH room and literally thought up different scenarios that would get Elissa to DOR (DROP ON REQUEST) from the game. Meaning, do something to Elissa and get her to leave.

Some of these things include: drinking from Elissa's cup to try and spread cold sores, Spencer rubbing his penis on her, Spencer putting semen on her bed sheets, Spencer following her around threatening her with all of the above things, Amanda squeezing her vaginal discharge (from her yeast infection) in Elissa's eyeball, Spreading a lie that Elissa has genital herpes and making fun of her about it. Honestly, the list goes on. AND ON.

If those threats weren't enough, they incessantly bash her looks, her body type, her husband, and her children repeatedly. There have been hour long sessions where all these people talk about is mentally or physically harming Elissa. They have even wondered whether America will like them for hating Elissa, or visa versa. If I could speak to them now, i'd say Elissa has tons of fans. Those fans aren't "Brenchel Army" people, they are people who are sick and tired of her being threatened!

I'm one of those people. I refuse to be a fan of anyone but Elissa at this point in the game. While CBS did show some of the racism in the house this year, they have not showed enough of it. They haven't showed all the nasty, disgusting, and hateful things that Amanda, Spencer, or Gina Marie have said and I know that little to none of the bashing of Elissa will be shown on television. What a shame. Fans of the show can hate on me and say that I am not respecting game play but you're damn right i'm not. I won't. The only game play that has happened thus far is from production with their smoke and mirrors technique. Amanda has tried to win every competition she has played in but can't. She compares herself to Dr. Will Kirby and even Dan. She jokes and says that she is the daughter of Evel Dick Donato yet she has displayed none of his characteristics. Evel Dick didn't play a lazy game where he sat in the HOH room, threatening what he'd do to another houseguest--he actually got up and did it.

Sure you can call my decision to support Elissa a personal move, and it is. I'm not trying to impress anyone but supporting her but I do feel like she is the only REAL person in the house. The edit she receives on TV is in no way showing her in her true light. She hates the people in the house who were racist and hateful to her friends. She has no idea the things those people have said about it and since the show won't show them, neither do most people.

I'm also supporting Elissa for game reasons though and it isn't all personal. She has won 2 vetoes when she had to win them. She has made gave moves to the best of her ability given she has never been in a power position. When you aren't on the block and when you aren't HOH there is no reason to make yourself a target by making deals. There is a strategy in what she has done and it isn't a floater technique. While I disagree with her voting out her allies under Helen's regime, she had no choice if she wanted them to remain loyal to her. This game would have turned out much differently had Amanda been voted off early like everyone wanted but since she helped SAVE Elissa, that didn't happen.

Also, Elissa is awesome. :)

Those are my thoughts and reasons behind my support for Elissa.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Thoughts on game play and racism in the #BB15 house

Strong language down below, reader beware. :)

Amanda with her hand in her pants, bashing Elissa

There are a lot of different personalities and opinions regarding this season of Big Brother 15. Out of everyone left in the house, most people do not want to see Amanda in the final two, nor do they want her to win. I want to talk about game play in this blog and then integrate some personal opinions on each of the houseguests.

Who is playing the best over all game in the house? It's hard to really say who is playing a good game at this point because I think everyone's game is off this week. If we look at the season as a whole, Amanda started week one by manipulating McCrae in the HOH using sexual favors. Most people who just watch the show do not really know about this, but the live feed watchers saw it first hand. I believe the show may have showed Amanda and McCrae kissing, but this is actually when her manipulation of him started. Ever since that HOH time, Amanda has used McCrae in some form or another. McCrae had pull with his first alliance called "The Moving Company" but when they said he had to let Amanda go, he chose Amanda over them and evicted Nick instead of Elissa. Amanda had her hands all over this move. She threatened McCrae saying that she and him would be voting differently. Since he knew he was on the outside of his alliance he decided to stick with Amanda. Amanda used her strong side as kind of a bullying tactic with others in the house. Some people felt sorry for her and some people were scared of her but she has been able to manipulate almost every HOH to nominate who she felt was a threat to her. This is good game play whether you hate her for it or not. I will admit that.

Another person who is playing an A++ game is Andy. Some people think Andy is just a tattle tale and lucky so far but I see him as much different. Andy started the season on the outs with some people because he chose not to be mean to Elissa like everyone else. When he decided to evict Nick, he went to the other side of the house and used tears and personal feelings of being scared to manipulate GinaMarie, Aaryn, and Kaitlyn, into believing that he didn't really want to evict Nick. Ever since this moment in the house he has held a personal relationship with almost every person. Andy got close with Amanda and her friends, as well as Aaryn and hers. It wasn't until recently that he started to be found out due to Helen and Amanda being against each other. Andy decided to pledge his loyalty to Amanda, so he will be voting to evict Helen on Thursday, though he will try and spin it that he had to go with the house. Unfortunately for Andy, there isn't a "house" left so Helen will know for sure that he really didn't have her back. Andy better hope that Helen can see past her personal hurt because his strategy for jury votes is really lacking. I have to give him credit where credit is due, he has made it this far with the ultimate floater status, and even got away with that same strategy when he was HOH. He didn't make big moves because it wasn't best for his game and I respect that.

Who is playing the worst game?

Helen. Helen is playing the worst game because she didn't use her influence and manipulative voice to better her own game like Amanda did. Helen has passively bullied people which is what Amanda did except not passively. Helen was in a great position in the game during the week Howard went home. Instead of listening to her alliance and friends in the house and evicting Amanda, she chose to evict Howard which was Candice's (her friend) ally. Had Helen chose to get Amanda evicted that week she would have had the votes and she would have destroyed McCrae's entire game and he was really the only one who would have cared that she was gone. Helen would have taken herself to the highest position in the house and probably would not be up for eviction this week.

Those opinions are without my personal feelings on any of the houseguests. It is definitely a known fact that I hate Amanda, Aaryn, Gina Marie, and Spencer. Why do I hate them? I hate them because they've displayed behavior that I find repulsive and they've done it on a television show with live feeds streaming 24/7. I'm not as appalled that they have the thoughts that they do, i'm more repulsed by the fact that they aren't smart enough to keep those opinions to themselves. We all know ignorance exists in society, but our hopes can only be that they decide to see the error in their ways and change for the better. All of these houseguests are old enough and have enough life experience to know that what they have said is not nice, nor is it acceptable in our country.

Lets start with Amanda. Amanda is bossy and demanding. Most people don't mind a strong woman such as herself until they take it to a level that seems more like forcible rape than casual sex. Yes, I'm talking about Amanda and McCrae's sex life. Why do I care? Well I don't care they they have sex because they are both adults; however, I do care that both of them were not and haven't always been consenting. I'm not calling Amanda a rapist, but I am saying that by making someone have sex when they say no more than once, she's making herself look terribly bad. Our country holds a huge double standard on sex and the word no. For example: If a man and a woman were about to get intimate and the woman said no, no, no and the man had sex with her anyways it would be rape. Regardless of whether the woman fought back and tried to claw his eyes out, the fact that she said no makes it rape. When Amanda was told no by McCrae and she got on top of him and started having sex with him anyways, then by definition--that is rape. This has happened MORE than once on the live feeds. The two of them have already have a pregnancy scare during this season which I find extremely immature and stupid. If you meet a new person especially on national television you should wear a condom. I don't care if that is just MY OPINON or not. Next, Amanda has claimed to be the least racist person she knows and she loves gay people. She has made several racial remarks about Candice and Howard, even after their evictions. She follows her racist jokes and racial remarks with "I can't be racist because i'm Jewish." She has an entitlement that i've never seen before. Some people argue that they still like her because she is "real." Well, if that is the kind of real that you respect then by all means, Team Amanda it up. I, on the other hand, am offended by homophobia and the mocking of gay individuals more so than anything else and will never give two shits about her good game play because she does not admit or care to change the error in her ways.

Gina Marie also known as #GinaMaRacist. This girl is so obsessed with Nick that she has planned their wedding. She has even gone as far as to say that if Nick has a girlfriend when she gets out of the house that she will kick her ass, or possibly kill her. This isn't just a one time occurrence, it is an every day occurrence. GM has also been leading the witch hunt against all gay and black people in the house and has even gone as far as to say that Candice was a crack baby. Her mother was a whore who fucked the black guys which is why she was given up for adoption. I won't quote that exactly because I may have missed a word or two but that is the paraphrasing of the conversation she had with Spencer. She also said that in her wedding with Nick that she would definitely invite Howard because she would need the token black guy there. These are just a few of the many ridiculous things that GM has said on the live feeds. The kicker for me was early in the season when she said she had welfare or some type of government assistance that she lived on. She called the welfare "ni**er insurance" on the live feeds to Andy. Had I been around I would have ripped her nasty weave out of her head and I would have been evicted for physically assaulting someone..I wouldn't bother caring if two wrongs don't make a right. These are only a few examples of GM's bs.

Aaryn or as most people called her "aryan." She calls herself aryan. She says it isn't her fault she is aryan blood with blue eyes and blonde hair. We know it isn't Aaryn. We actually don't care what you look like, we care about what you've said. Aaryn uses the excuse that black people call her Barbie so she can retaliate by calling them Shaniqua, and mocking them using racial undertones. When she gets upset she says she's pulling a Candice and starts using her "ghetto" voice and snapping her neck and fingers around. News flash Aaryn, it isn't just black people who do that. Aaryn has also said for Helen to "go make some rice" because that's what Asians do. A lot of the things Aaryn said were used on the show. America got to see those few comments but that wasn't all of them. On a daily basis she talks about gays being disgusting, black people being ghetto, and has no respect for other people, other races, or anyone other than herself. Some of that may be her young age and lack of experience but she should at least know better than display those actions on a live internet stream. 

Spencer isn't really worth mentioning here but for the sake of being accurate I must add that his joke regarding child porn was inappropriate. Although he was joking and acting like it was McCrae saying it, he caused a big stir in the real world when police actually investigated his personal property at home for child pornography. Spencer works for a railroad and is union so he hasn't actually lost his job. Had it not been for his union he would have. Spencer also makes homophobic remarks. That's all i'm going to say about him. He's worthless in the game and in life.

So far... Amanda, Gina Marie, and Aaryn have LOST their real world jobs due to their comments on national TV and internet stream. I am glad those companies have decided not to let these people represent them. What kind of message does that send?

Elissa. Rachel's sister. While the TV shows have painted a negative light on Elissa, she is the only one left in the game who hasn't really bashed anyone for their appearance or bashed their families. Up to this point in the game everyone around Elissa has been talking bad about her. Some of them have even attacked her family and her kids. Elissa doesn't know about that. She has kept her head mostly down the entire game and people are upset about it. The Brenchal Army wanted Elissa to be like Rachel and rule all the competitions. While Elissa has won two vetoes, she hasn't really been playing her own game, she has been playing Helen's. I respect Elissa for taking on all the racism that she has been seeing all season without punching someone in the face. The show can make her look like she's above everyone but if I was in that house around all those racist people, i'd want to leave too. It is horse shit that CBS hasn't shown what is really happening. They are too busy trying to protect Amanda's image. I've spoken to several CBS show-only watchers who love Amanda. They either don't care that she is a racist, and a gross un-showered woman who has sex on camera, OR they simply do not know those things. I commend Elissa for the way she has played this game and she has tons of family, friends, and fans who respect her for all she has endured. 

It isn't easy having you and your family threatened while inside the house. Although I dislike tons of people on this show I would never threaten them or their family members. I might hope that one of them does get punched after the show but leave people's family alone. It isn't them on camera spewing hate, it's the houseguests. If you are one of those people on twitter or anywhere else threatening and messaging a family member of a house guests...get the f* over yourself and get a grip. I share my opinion of each house guests on my twitter account ALL the time but that is as far as I take it.

Who is your favorite houseguest left standing? Do you think Amanda will win? What are your opinions? I'd love to hear them all in the comment section or follow me on twitter with the button on the left.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Aaryn and Amanda fight, alliances are exposed but still nothing changes #BB15

After a small whirlwind of events last night and some wine, Aaryn and Amanda got into a small argument which led Aaryn to seriously consider putting her up tomorrow at the POV ceremony. Aaryn had several discussions with Andy, Helen, and GM and of course right after they all left the room, Andy told Aaryn that Amanda and McCrae are loyal and not to do it. Aaryn knows that Andy is loyal to Amanda but I don't think she realizes the extent. GM said she will support Aaryn in any decision, Helen said she and Elissa will not go after Aaryn if she keeps Helen over Amanda. Aaryn likes Helen more than she likes Amanda and wants to keep her, but she is afraid of the back lash from McCrae and Elissa, and she doesn't know it yet but also Andy. Aaryn told Helen that she doesn't really have Andy, but not to tell him that she told her. She basically outed the 3AM alliance but I don't think Helen really gets it. Earlier in the evening Helen and Amanda talked and Amanda told her straight up that she is voting to evict Helen; however, Helen still has it in her mind that people are loyal to her. She just refuses to believe anything in front of her face. She will most likely still be shocked to learn she is evicted on Thursday.

Aaryn explains to Amanda that she has McCrae and that Aaryn should be allowed to keep GM around for the same reason. Amanda denies all allegations of saying GM has to go out next and says that Andy must have made that up. At this point Aaryn is starting to believe Amanda. (again)

Aaryn, Helen, and Andy make a deal to keep Helen in whatever situation occurs, whether it be Spencer or Amanda on the block. As soon as Helen leaves, Andy tells Aaryn that he isn't going to keep Helen. Later, Helen talks to Andy and begs him to keep her. He obliges but again, we know that he is lying to her. She was just told that he isn't loyal to her but she still doesn't confront him about it. The exposure of his lack of loyalty to Helen has made no impact on her at all. The only good thing that may come of this exposure is that if Helen leaves on Thursday and wins herself back in, she may target Amanda and McCrae and not whoever Andy tells her. Hopefully Elissa stays away from Andy after Helen leaves and wins HOH. She has to nominate Amanda and McCrae together, otherwise her game is up.

McCrae, Andy, Spencer, Amanda, and Aaryn meet in the HOH room once last time to solidify everything. At this time, Aaryn is back on Team Amanda and will be putting Spencer up as a replacement. It is clear that no one will ever make a move against Amanda.

With all the arguing and everything, Spencer is in the best position in the game. No one is coming after him. He has dug up Amanda and McCrae's ass so far that we can barely see his legs anymore. I believe that he knows Amanda and McCrae are dangerous, but again he is too afraid to go against them because he sees what happened to everyone else that did. In the event he wins HOH he will most likely do whatever Andy tells him to do and never touch Amanda and McCrae. This is great for HIS game because he could stumble upon the final 5 easily. Unless he wins at that point they will obviously cut him loose but he doesn't see that. I see him as the Adam (BB13) of this season. He hasn't really won much and has no real solid deals. He is just floating to whoever he sees as powerful.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

POV spoiler and more. #BB15

When the feeds finally came back last night...ELISSA was the talk of the town. She won the Power of Veto and will use it to take herself off the block. Most likely Aaryn will nominate Spencer in her place and Helen will be sent packing on Thursday night.

I'm personally really stoked that Elissa won the POV. When her butt is on the line she has been able to pull out a win. This is her second veto win! 

Everyone was talking bad about Elissa all night long. Aaryn, GM, and Amanda, and even Andy and McCrae were attacking her family life and children over and over again. They want her out next week and Amanda plans to throw Aaryn, GM, and Spencer under the bus if Elissa wins HOH. She has it all planned out to manipulate and threaten Elissa. I hope her plan backfires thought. Elissa needs to nominate Amanda and McCrae. I'm sick of watching the constant attacking of Elissa, Candice, and Jessie.

Amanda in her usual paranoid state was plotting Elissa's demise immediately after she won the competition. She thinks she has this game in the bag and has displayed her over-confidence time and time again. Last night she was even talking about production. When production told her to stop she said well then you need to get your shit right. (She is referring to the fact that she asked for a Xanax at 3:30am and was woken up at 8:00am.) She says that they have no right to do that because a Xanax is a sleeping pill. Actually, a Xanax is suppose to calm and relieve anxiety. Amanda abuses her multitude of medication on her own. Big Brother isn't at fault. She chose the take the medicine knowing that the POV would be last night and they'd be woken early. Big Brother had to repeatedly tell her to stop it.
As you can see from the above photo, Amanda is high on her adderal. You can usually tell when she is high because her eyes are bugged out and she talks a mile a minute. 

She is a disgusting person on the inside as far as i'm concerned. Last night during one of her rants about Elissa she said she would "squeeze as much vaginal discharge out of her vagina and put it in her eye.) Elissa would be so grossed out she would leave the game. (The houseguests are trying to think of ways to get Elissa to quit)

Here is the video of Amanda saying she wants to put discharge in Elissa's eye and others talking about Elissa and Helen as well.

I'm going to go ahead and stop there. Flashback to around Midnight to see the rest of the vile things these people said. Pick any day of the week and you will usually hear things come out of Aaryn, GM, or Amanda's mouth that not even your worst enemy would say. They are in for a rude awakening when they leave the BB house and remember that live feed watchers have seen everything and heard all the racial, homophobic, threatening, and other vile things they've said. 

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Have-not and nomination spoilers..and a smack-talking contest all in one night #BB15

Elissa carrying habanaro peppers to the Storage Roon

Spoiler Alert! Have/Have-Not results and nominations took place in the BB house yesterday.

America chose head cheese and habaneros for the have-not food of the week. If you aren't sure what head cheese is, it is a jellied "lunch meat" made from the head meat of a cow or calf.

Amanda, Helen, Gina Marie, and Elissa are have-nots for the week. This is extra painful for Helen and Elissa who chose to be have-nots last week when Andy was HOH. This is not the first time Helen and Elissa have been on slop for two weeks straight.

McCrae had the goggles from the comp stuck in his hair

For the entire season we've all watched as Helen believed herself to be in control of the house. She was accepting of the fact that Amanda was the mastermind, but she also really thought/thinks that she is truly in control because of her relationship with Andy and Elissa. Helen has gone around the house taking Amanda's plans and making them her own and she has proven this with her overly exaggerated diary room sessions and dramatic evictions. She really thought it was better for her game to keep Amanda in the house and have her and Elissa continually vote to evict their allies, furthering Amanda's game instead of their own. Thursday during the live show, Aaryn won her fourth HOH. As we've seen on the shows and the live feeds, Aaryn has a final four deal with McCrae, Amanda, and Andy, known as 3AM. While Amanda knows she can't beat Aaryn in the end, she knows she can threaten and use Aaryn as she pleases so this week, no different than the last, or the last 5..she went to Aaryn and told her who to nominate. 

On the live feeds, shortly after they returned on Thursday evening, we learned that Elissa told Amanda she did not want to sit with anyone during the show. She said she wanted to focus and win it for her family. Amanda then told Aaryn that Elissa didn't want to sit with GM or Aaryn because she didn't want to be associated with mean-girls on television. This caused a big stir and a huge problem for Elissa, now that her season-long nemesis won HOH again.

So fast forwarding and a little back-tracking, Helen threw her friend and ally Elissa under the bus to possibly save herself. Before the live show Helen went and told Andy that Elissa was hell bent on getting Amanda and McCrae on the block when in fact Helen told Elissa to do that. She pumped Elissa up until she was about to burst so that Elissa would win HOH and do her bidding. Unfortunately it didn't work. After the live show Helen went straight to Aaryn and everyone and started campaigning against Elissa to save herself again. She threw Elissa name around again and again and claimed that she wasn't try to talk bad about her but she doesn't understand why Elissa does things. 

(Helen is referring to Elissa having a mini-meltdown and saying she doesn't want to go to jury, that she'd rather go home which Helen took personally because she has been working Elissa for a vote since the minute she met her.)

Helen cried and cried and cried..next day.....

So in the HOH Aaryn finally tells Helen that she and Elissa are probably going up and that she isn't the target. Helen believes her and pushes for Elissa or Spencer to go. Little does she know that she (Helen) is the target. I'd rather it be Amanda personally BUT Helen can go too. I'm sick of her backstabbing Elissa.
Helen acting smug in the HOH room because she doesn't think she's the target this week
Nomination Ceremony:

Aaryn nominates Helen and Elissa for eviction. Shocker. Another week of Amanda's HOH. We can all agree that Amanda is playing a good social game. She's never been nominated by a person in the house. Unfortunately America sees Amanda for who she really is and the houseguests do not. They do know that Amanda has played a good social game, but they are all too scared to make a move against her. It will probably end up being too little too late for the move Helen wanted to make against Amanda. Helen threw Jessie out when Jessie was on board to take Amanda out 2 weeks ago. Unless she wins the Veto today we will see Helen, Candice, Judd, and Jessie compete on Thursday to get back into the game.

I'm hoping Candice comes back. With Helen (a backstabber and not real alliance) leaving, Elissa will have no one. She needs Candice to help her further herself in the game. Plus GM hates Candice and i'd love to see GM get kicked out of the game for her death threats.

GM has a lot of mental problems and it is becoming more apparent that she shouldn't be anywhere near Candice or Nick when she gets out. Last night on the feeds she said she was going to dump Candice's body or "where-evers."

She also said that she hopes next week is endurance because she can't stand those "gay ass" questions.

Early on the feeds, weeks ago she said she was on welfare and she referred to it as "n****r insurance."

She said she has an eating disorder but she wouldn't throw up in the house. She takes fiber and laxatives all the time and does binge eat and purge regularly on the feeds. BB producers do know and they have made her speak to a psychiatrist which she confirmed on the feeds.

GM isn't the only person who has said racial or homophobic things. Just last night Aaryn called Macaulay Culkin "Macaulay Queerboy" when everyone was quoting Home Alone. She has made other homophobic remarks in front of Andy and offended him as well. She has no respect for others whatsoever. 


Amanda also had to get in on the action by saying "big, dark, and smelly like Howard" but proceeded it with "I can't be racist bc i'm Jewish."  Haha Amanda. Not. Thank god she is a have-not this week. We won't have to see her in bed with McCrae doing their "thing" every night.

Thanks for reading~

Friday, August 16, 2013

Amanda breaks down after not winning HOH #BB15

As most of you know, Amanda has been comparing her showmance with McCrae to the popular showmances in Big Brother history; Jeff and Jordan and Brenchel. She is especially obsessed with trying to out do Brenchel's wedding, which she did earlier this week. You can see the photos from that wedding on my blog as well.

Most of us can remember that time when Rachel hid behind some fake bushes after she didn't win a competition... well here's Amanda trying to one up Rachel again by hiding behind the trash bin in the Storage Room.

Get all that laughing out of your system... hold on.. i'm still laughing. HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

Yep that is Amanda on the floor in the storage room crying because she didn't win HOH. Actually it sounds more like fake crying to get attention from McCrae or anyone else who will notice her. She yelled at McCrae on the live feeds as soon as they came back on because he asked her why she didn't win. Also, McCrae and Aaryn both confirmed that they TRIED to throw the HOH to her yet she still could not win.

After her pity party part 1 she goes to the rainbow room to give it another chance at people who will listen.

Even loud mouthed GM didn't tell her to shut up when she was going on and on being a sore loser. After Amanda finally left the room and went into the Have-Not room for part 3 of her meltdown, GM and Andy both said "sore loser" to one another (about Amanda.)

Her meltdown didn't last long, then her and McCrae went to work on Aaryn, the new HOH. Aaryn of course obliged because she has a personal quam with Elissa. Expect her to nominate Elissa and Helen for eviction today. This doesn't seem like Big Brother to me anymore, it seems like Amanda's show. I've personally had enough. CBS has already been caught up in production manipulation so many times, well lets see some. None of us can stand the sight of more than half these people anymore. 
Til next time when we discuss nominations1

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The 3AM alliance is running the house? Will Pandora's Box come back? #BB15

From last night---and speculation of what is to come in the game of Big Brother!

Some content may be offensive and as always, contains strong language. Reader beware.

The 3 AM alliance (Amanda, Aaryn, Andy, and McCrae) think they are running the house. To be quite honest they are and it is because AMANDA is actually running the house. To quote Amanda, "If you try to flip the house against me, you're out." She is so confident in her position in the house that she actually said that and in front of people too. No one bothered to correct her because they are scared to. 

At this point in the game it would be easy to get Amanda out if Helen, Elissa, Jessie, Aaryn, and GM would have a conversation. Helen has planted the seed with Aaryn to get Amanda out but since she has a final four deal with Amanda, it isn't likely that she will go with any plan. Little does Aaryn know, Amanda plans to get Aaryn out as well as Helen. Tonight's live eviction may prove to be something physical; however, in seasons past we have seen this week in a "Knock-Out" type HOH where players will be chosen to go head to head and answer answers based on previous competitions, then the winner would get to chose the next pair to face-off. 

Because McCrae formed a fake final 3 deal with Helen and Andy, Helen feels safe with McCrae and in turn he has given her the koolaid to believe that Amanda doesn't need to go yet. Up until last night Helen wanted to go after Amanda, and she even told Elissa to do so as well. Helen is a big flip flopper when it comes to who she wants out. She is careful about making her plans known until she does them. This HOH will show whether Helen is really a strategic player in control of herself, or if she is an easy manipulated mother that everyone believes she is. One thing is for sure though, once Amanda says jump her minions say "how high?" and last night on the feeds she brought the guillotine down on Helen's head and announced that she must go within the next two weeks. Sorry Helen, but I hope you get the chance to strike first.

(Photo from Big Brother 14, Jessie returns in PB)

So Pandora's box or not? I'm saying YES, Pandora's Box will make another appearance this coming week. Why...because those of you who watch Evel Dick's web show called "Dick at Nite" (subscription based) know that he recently had Jessie Godderz on who is Mr. Pandora's Box himself. Jessie neither confirmed nor denied allegations that he will be in PB this season but he was basically very forward in saying YES, he is going to be in PB again. You heard it right... CBS is probably going to reuse Jessie. He's been passed around by more CBS executives than we can count and it is no big rumor that Allison Grodner (producer) has a thing for him.

More rumors that are going around are that an evicted "jury" member will have the chance to return and come back to the game to play. This is most likely true because none of the evictee's were interviewed by CBS's own Jeff Schroeder, who has up until this point been interviewing evicted houseguests. The reason for the lack of interviewing is most likely because jury members are being sequestered separately so they can't share information about the game with one another. 

Exciting! My bet is that Judd will return, although I would much rather see Candice or Jessie. Judd pledged his allegiance to Amanda and McCrae. When he refused to hug Helen and actually hugged Amanda on his way out the door, shows that he believes Amanda really had his back, when she actually didn't. If Judd returns he will become another number for Amanda and she might accept him back. 

Let's not forget that the only reason Amanda planted the seed of Judd's eviction in Helen's mind was because McCrae told Amanda they were friends. Amanda is controlling. She has made it clear that McCrae is hers, as if he is an inanimate object that she owns. He isn't allowed to have deals without her permission and if he loses this game to her it will be his own fault for allowing it. McCrae knows and has said on the live feeds that Amanda is a "man-eater" who is controlling and over-bearing. I think he is scared to go against her because he has seen his peers evicted at her hand all season long. Little does he know that if he would just talk to others, he'd realize everyone would help him get her out.

(Actually if you watch their sex sessions this is quite true. McCrae gets told what to do with sex, and when to do it. He has never made a move and initiated this sex with her ever, but she gets on top and does what she does, then makes him manually finish her off if he is too quick. This is just a sick fact of the game that live feeders have figured out. As gross as it sounds, I just report it like I see it.)

So... since Amanda doesn't need anymore numbers on her side, i'd much rather see Candice or Jessie with another chance at the game. I am betting that if someone returns, we will see a second double eviction episode and those are always fun. Here's to hoping Aaryn won't be the next HOH tonight. 

Thanks for reading--feel free to subscribe and comment!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

McCranda ties the knot and Jessie apologizes #BB15

Here's last nights recap (this blog contains language not suitable for children and most adults)

It's about 10:00pm in the BB house. Jessie makes her rounds and apologizes to everyone for her irrational behavior. I don't necessarily think she is doing it for possible votes, but more because it isn't the type of person she is and she genuinely likes the people in the house, even if they screwed her over.  Since Jessie is being accepted back by Amanda, her sheep follow and all is well with the world again minus the occasional bash behind Jessie's back. Currently everyone is getting ready for Amanda and McCrae's second wedding. The couple got "engaged" a few weeks ago but eloped; however, since this wasn't on TV they are doing a second wedding. I'm sure CBS will be using it on air even though Brendon and Rachel did it first on Big Brother 13. I'd like to also point out that Brenchel is actually married in real life now and I'm sure Amanda and McCrae will be divorced before the show is over.

Here are some photos of the event:

Bridezilla was literally cussing and screaming several times when certain people got called to the DR before her wedding. She was screaming at GM for not hurrying up. Again, no one told her to stop because after all..she is their handler and not the other way around. (McCrae was outside all the while saying how he didn't want to do this "wedding shit" anyways)

GM complains that Jessie got the good sheet and she should have had to use a dirty towel or something.   Amanda is continuing to pretend like she's really getting married and is screaming out loud that she needs more alcohol (in this bitch) and she is telling everyone to hurry the fuck up and cussing people out left and right. It is ridiculous. Absolutely moronic that anyone is participating. Then again all they care about is tv time. Here is a photo of her yelling and cussing at Big Brother through the camera. She even says "fun things might happen, might consummate the deal." Like anyone wants to see that crap?

More photos:

I'll save you the consummation of the marriage several hours later but it is just like every other night they do it.