I'm personally really stoked that Elissa won the POV. When her butt is on the line she has been able to pull out a win. This is her second veto win!
Everyone was talking bad about Elissa all night long. Aaryn, GM, and Amanda, and even Andy and McCrae were attacking her family life and children over and over again. They want her out next week and Amanda plans to throw Aaryn, GM, and Spencer under the bus if Elissa wins HOH. She has it all planned out to manipulate and threaten Elissa. I hope her plan backfires thought. Elissa needs to nominate Amanda and McCrae. I'm sick of watching the constant attacking of Elissa, Candice, and Jessie.
Amanda in her usual paranoid state was plotting Elissa's demise immediately after she won the competition. She thinks she has this game in the bag and has displayed her over-confidence time and time again. Last night she was even talking about production. When production told her to stop she said well then you need to get your shit right. (She is referring to the fact that she asked for a Xanax at 3:30am and was woken up at 8:00am.) She says that they have no right to do that because a Xanax is a sleeping pill. Actually, a Xanax is suppose to calm and relieve anxiety. Amanda abuses her multitude of medication on her own. Big Brother isn't at fault. She chose the take the medicine knowing that the POV would be last night and they'd be woken early. Big Brother had to repeatedly tell her to stop it.
As you can see from the above photo, Amanda is high on her adderal. You can usually tell when she is high because her eyes are bugged out and she talks a mile a minute.
She is a disgusting person on the inside as far as i'm concerned. Last night during one of her rants about Elissa she said she would "squeeze as much vaginal discharge out of her vagina and put it in her eye.) Elissa would be so grossed out she would leave the game. (The houseguests are trying to think of ways to get Elissa to quit)
Here is the video of Amanda saying she wants to put discharge in Elissa's eye and others talking about Elissa and Helen as well.
I'm going to go ahead and stop there. Flashback to around Midnight to see the rest of the vile things these people said. Pick any day of the week and you will usually hear things come out of Aaryn, GM, or Amanda's mouth that not even your worst enemy would say. They are in for a rude awakening when they leave the BB house and remember that live feed watchers have seen everything and heard all the racial, homophobic, threatening, and other vile things they've said.
Thanks for reading!
nice article, well written, keep up the good work!