Friday, August 23, 2013

Spoiler Alert! Who won HOH and which jury member returned to the game? #BB15

We saw tons of fish on the feeds last night!
Spoilers to follow! Lets find out who won HOH and which Jury member returned to the game last night.

And they by one.

When the feeds returned McCrae and Spencer had already fallen off. and Jessie led with 4 balls already in her container. She was in the lead among Jury members and everyone else in the beginning. Then she fell off. Boy was she mad. Before she ran out of the competition, she yelled "F*** you Amanda!" Which I was ecstatic about. Amanda is a bad person and a terrible game player IMO. Her manipulation has become a sloppy bullying mess.

So Andy then fell which leaves Amanda, Elissa, and GM on the wall. Then Helen jumps off, followed by Candice. I say jumps off because it was clear that they did not fall..they jumped. Each of them left with class and wished everyone luck!

With Judd being the final Jury member left, he is back in the game! He loses concentration and falls soon after. If you check the image below you can see a wild fan being chased by a security guard. This was just an act to distract the players when balls were being thrown. As you can see, Elissa leads in balls.

Elissa then catches her 10th ball and wins HOH! We get trivia so we didn't get to see much. She was very happy and Amanda was very mad. Go Elissa! Woohoo!!

The houseguests (mostly Amanda) grill Judd on what happened in Jury. He tells them he was only allowed to talk game while the cameras were on, and getting footage. They had to sleep in separate rooms and weren't suppose to talk much.

Although Judd was welcomed with open arms, everyone has been talking about him behind his back.

GM and Elissa reiterate that Elissa won't nominate GM at all because they made a deal before the HOH comp. 

So there you have it. Elissa is the new HOH. She has already been talking about nominating either Amanda OR McCrae along side Aaryn. Hopefully Aaryn and GM can strike a deal with Elissa today so that she nominates both Amanda and McCrae. Elissa is trying to count on the fact that she or someone else will use veto and she can nominate Amanda. She doesn't seem to realize that she MUST nominate both Amanda and McCrae but today is the nomination ceremony, so it's a wait and see kind of thing! 

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