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Amanda with her hand in her pants, bashing Elissa |
There are a lot of different personalities and opinions regarding this season of Big Brother 15. Out of everyone left in the house, most people do not want to see Amanda in the final two, nor do they want her to win. I want to talk about game play in this blog and then integrate some personal opinions on each of the houseguests.
Who is playing the best over all game in the house? It's hard to really say who is playing a good game at this point because I think everyone's game is off this week. If we look at the season as a whole, Amanda started week one by manipulating McCrae in the HOH using sexual favors. Most people who just watch the show do not really know about this, but the live feed watchers saw it first hand. I believe the show may have showed Amanda and McCrae kissing, but this is actually when her manipulation of him started. Ever since that HOH time, Amanda has used McCrae in some form or another. McCrae had pull with his first alliance called "The Moving Company" but when they said he had to let Amanda go, he chose Amanda over them and evicted Nick instead of Elissa. Amanda had her hands all over this move. She threatened McCrae saying that she and him would be voting differently. Since he knew he was on the outside of his alliance he decided to stick with Amanda. Amanda used her strong side as kind of a bullying tactic with others in the house. Some people felt sorry for her and some people were scared of her but she has been able to manipulate almost every HOH to nominate who she felt was a threat to her. This is good game play whether you hate her for it or not. I will admit that.
Another person who is playing an A++ game is Andy. Some people think Andy is just a tattle tale and lucky so far but I see him as much different. Andy started the season on the outs with some people because he chose not to be mean to Elissa like everyone else. When he decided to evict Nick, he went to the other side of the house and used tears and personal feelings of being scared to manipulate GinaMarie, Aaryn, and Kaitlyn, into believing that he didn't really want to evict Nick. Ever since this moment in the house he has held a personal relationship with almost every person. Andy got close with Amanda and her friends, as well as Aaryn and hers. It wasn't until recently that he started to be found out due to Helen and Amanda being against each other. Andy decided to pledge his loyalty to Amanda, so he will be voting to evict Helen on Thursday, though he will try and spin it that he had to go with the house. Unfortunately for Andy, there isn't a "house" left so Helen will know for sure that he really didn't have her back. Andy better hope that Helen can see past her personal hurt because his strategy for jury votes is really lacking. I have to give him credit where credit is due, he has made it this far with the ultimate floater status, and even got away with that same strategy when he was HOH. He didn't make big moves because it wasn't best for his game and I respect that.
Who is playing the worst game?
Helen. Helen is playing the worst game because she didn't use her influence and manipulative voice to better her own game like Amanda did. Helen has passively bullied people which is what Amanda did except not passively. Helen was in a great position in the game during the week Howard went home. Instead of listening to her alliance and friends in the house and evicting Amanda, she chose to evict Howard which was Candice's (her friend) ally. Had Helen chose to get Amanda evicted that week she would have had the votes and she would have destroyed McCrae's entire game and he was really the only one who would have cared that she was gone. Helen would have taken herself to the highest position in the house and probably would not be up for eviction this week.
Those opinions are without my personal feelings on any of the houseguests. It is definitely a known fact that I hate Amanda, Aaryn, Gina Marie, and Spencer. Why do I hate them? I hate them because they've displayed behavior that I find repulsive and they've done it on a television show with live feeds streaming 24/7. I'm not as appalled that they have the thoughts that they do, i'm more repulsed by the fact that they aren't smart enough to keep those opinions to themselves. We all know ignorance exists in society, but our hopes can only be that they decide to see the error in their ways and change for the better. All of these houseguests are old enough and have enough life experience to know that what they have said is not nice, nor is it acceptable in our country.
Lets start with Amanda. Amanda is bossy and demanding. Most people don't mind a strong woman such as herself until they take it to a level that seems more like forcible rape than casual sex. Yes, I'm talking about Amanda and McCrae's sex life. Why do I care? Well I don't care they they have sex because they are both adults; however, I do care that both of them were not and haven't always been consenting. I'm not calling Amanda a rapist, but I am saying that by making someone have sex when they say no more than once, she's making herself look terribly bad. Our country holds a huge double standard on sex and the word no. For example: If a man and a woman were about to get intimate and the woman said no, no, no and the man had sex with her anyways it would be rape. Regardless of whether the woman fought back and tried to claw his eyes out, the fact that she said no makes it rape. When Amanda was told no by McCrae and she got on top of him and started having sex with him anyways, then by definition--that is rape. This has happened MORE than once on the live feeds. The two of them have already have a pregnancy scare during this season which I find extremely immature and stupid. If you meet a new person especially on national television you should wear a condom. I don't care if that is just MY OPINON or not. Next, Amanda has claimed to be the least racist person she knows and she loves gay people. She has made several racial remarks about Candice and Howard, even after their evictions. She follows her racist jokes and racial remarks with "I can't be racist because i'm Jewish." She has an entitlement that i've never seen before. Some people argue that they still like her because she is "real." Well, if that is the kind of real that you respect then by all means, Team Amanda it up. I, on the other hand, am offended by homophobia and the mocking of gay individuals more so than anything else and will never give two shits about her good game play because she does not admit or care to change the error in her ways.
Gina Marie also known as #GinaMaRacist. This girl is so obsessed with Nick that she has planned their wedding. She has even gone as far as to say that if Nick has a girlfriend when she gets out of the house that she will kick her ass, or possibly kill her. This isn't just a one time occurrence, it is an every day occurrence. GM has also been leading the witch hunt against all gay and black people in the house and has even gone as far as to say that Candice was a crack baby. Her mother was a whore who fucked the black guys which is why she was given up for adoption. I won't quote that exactly because I may have missed a word or two but that is the paraphrasing of the conversation she had with Spencer. She also said that in her wedding with Nick that she would definitely invite Howard because she would need the token black guy there. These are just a few of the many ridiculous things that GM has said on the live feeds. The kicker for me was early in the season when she said she had welfare or some type of government assistance that she lived on. She called the welfare "ni**er insurance" on the live feeds to Andy. Had I been around I would have ripped her nasty weave out of her head and I would have been evicted for physically assaulting someone..I wouldn't bother caring if two wrongs don't make a right. These are only a few examples of GM's bs.
Aaryn or as most people called her "aryan." She calls herself aryan. She says it isn't her fault she is aryan blood with blue eyes and blonde hair. We know it isn't Aaryn. We actually don't care what you look like, we care about what you've said. Aaryn uses the excuse that black people call her Barbie so she can retaliate by calling them Shaniqua, and mocking them using racial undertones. When she gets upset she says she's pulling a Candice and starts using her "ghetto" voice and snapping her neck and fingers around. News flash Aaryn, it isn't just black people who do that. Aaryn has also said for Helen to "go make some rice" because that's what Asians do. A lot of the things Aaryn said were used on the show. America got to see those few comments but that wasn't all of them. On a daily basis she talks about gays being disgusting, black people being ghetto, and has no respect for other people, other races, or anyone other than herself. Some of that may be her young age and lack of experience but she should at least know better than display those actions on a live internet stream.
Spencer isn't really worth mentioning here but for the sake of being accurate I must add that his joke regarding child porn was inappropriate. Although he was joking and acting like it was McCrae saying it, he caused a big stir in the real world when police actually investigated his personal property at home for child pornography. Spencer works for a railroad and is union so he hasn't actually lost his job. Had it not been for his union he would have. Spencer also makes homophobic remarks. That's all i'm going to say about him. He's worthless in the game and in life.
So far... Amanda, Gina Marie, and Aaryn have LOST their real world jobs due to their comments on national TV and internet stream. I am glad those companies have decided not to let these people represent them. What kind of message does that send?
Elissa. Rachel's sister. While the TV shows have painted a negative light on Elissa, she is the only one left in the game who hasn't really bashed anyone for their appearance or bashed their families. Up to this point in the game everyone around Elissa has been talking bad about her. Some of them have even attacked her family and her kids. Elissa doesn't know about that. She has kept her head mostly down the entire game and people are upset about it. The Brenchal Army wanted Elissa to be like Rachel and rule all the competitions. While Elissa has won two vetoes, she hasn't really been playing her own game, she has been playing Helen's. I respect Elissa for taking on all the racism that she has been seeing all season without punching someone in the face. The show can make her look like she's above everyone but if I was in that house around all those racist people, i'd want to leave too. It is horse shit that CBS hasn't shown what is really happening. They are too busy trying to protect Amanda's image. I've spoken to several CBS show-only watchers who love Amanda. They either don't care that she is a racist, and a gross un-showered woman who has sex on camera, OR they simply do not know those things. I commend Elissa for the way she has played this game and she has tons of family, friends, and fans who respect her for all she has endured.
It isn't easy having you and your family threatened while inside the house. Although I dislike tons of people on this show I would never threaten them or their family members. I might hope that one of them does get punched after the show but leave people's family alone. It isn't them on camera spewing hate, it's the houseguests. If you are one of those people on twitter or anywhere else threatening and messaging a family member of a house guests...get the f* over yourself and get a grip. I share my opinion of each house guests on my twitter account ALL the time but that is as far as I take it.
Who is your favorite houseguest left standing? Do you think Amanda will win? What are your opinions? I'd love to hear them all in the comment section or follow me on twitter with the button on the left.
Thanks for reading.
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