Friday, August 16, 2013

Amanda breaks down after not winning HOH #BB15

As most of you know, Amanda has been comparing her showmance with McCrae to the popular showmances in Big Brother history; Jeff and Jordan and Brenchel. She is especially obsessed with trying to out do Brenchel's wedding, which she did earlier this week. You can see the photos from that wedding on my blog as well.

Most of us can remember that time when Rachel hid behind some fake bushes after she didn't win a competition... well here's Amanda trying to one up Rachel again by hiding behind the trash bin in the Storage Room.

Get all that laughing out of your system... hold on.. i'm still laughing. HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

Yep that is Amanda on the floor in the storage room crying because she didn't win HOH. Actually it sounds more like fake crying to get attention from McCrae or anyone else who will notice her. She yelled at McCrae on the live feeds as soon as they came back on because he asked her why she didn't win. Also, McCrae and Aaryn both confirmed that they TRIED to throw the HOH to her yet she still could not win.

After her pity party part 1 she goes to the rainbow room to give it another chance at people who will listen.

Even loud mouthed GM didn't tell her to shut up when she was going on and on being a sore loser. After Amanda finally left the room and went into the Have-Not room for part 3 of her meltdown, GM and Andy both said "sore loser" to one another (about Amanda.)

Her meltdown didn't last long, then her and McCrae went to work on Aaryn, the new HOH. Aaryn of course obliged because she has a personal quam with Elissa. Expect her to nominate Elissa and Helen for eviction today. This doesn't seem like Big Brother to me anymore, it seems like Amanda's show. I've personally had enough. CBS has already been caught up in production manipulation so many times, well lets see some. None of us can stand the sight of more than half these people anymore. 
Til next time when we discuss nominations1

Thanks for reading.


  1. You should blog for BB spoilers, indeed the worse group ever cast, the finally and after blog shots will be the show to see

  2. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when these girls get out and realize we HEARD and SAW everything. Wake up call.

  3. I'd love to blog somewhere--- maybe next season. Thanks!
