After a small whirlwind of events last night and some wine, Aaryn and Amanda got into a small argument which led Aaryn to seriously consider putting her up tomorrow at the POV ceremony. Aaryn had several discussions with Andy, Helen, and GM and of course right after they all left the room, Andy told Aaryn that Amanda and McCrae are loyal and not to do it. Aaryn knows that Andy is loyal to Amanda but I don't think she realizes the extent. GM said she will support Aaryn in any decision, Helen said she and Elissa will not go after Aaryn if she keeps Helen over Amanda. Aaryn likes Helen more than she likes Amanda and wants to keep her, but she is afraid of the back lash from McCrae and Elissa, and she doesn't know it yet but also Andy. Aaryn told Helen that she doesn't really have Andy, but not to tell him that she told her. She basically outed the 3AM alliance but I don't think Helen really gets it. Earlier in the evening Helen and Amanda talked and Amanda told her straight up that she is voting to evict Helen; however, Helen still has it in her mind that people are loyal to her. She just refuses to believe anything in front of her face. She will most likely still be shocked to learn she is evicted on Thursday.

Aaryn explains to Amanda that she has McCrae and that Aaryn should be allowed to keep GM around for the same reason. Amanda denies all allegations of saying GM has to go out next and says that Andy must have made that up. At this point Aaryn is starting to believe Amanda. (again)
Aaryn, Helen, and Andy make a deal to keep Helen in whatever situation occurs, whether it be Spencer or Amanda on the block. As soon as Helen leaves, Andy tells Aaryn that he isn't going to keep Helen. Later, Helen talks to Andy and begs him to keep her. He obliges but again, we know that he is lying to her. She was just told that he isn't loyal to her but she still doesn't confront him about it. The exposure of his lack of loyalty to Helen has made no impact on her at all. The only good thing that may come of this exposure is that if Helen leaves on Thursday and wins herself back in, she may target Amanda and McCrae and not whoever Andy tells her. Hopefully Elissa stays away from Andy after Helen leaves and wins HOH. She has to nominate Amanda and McCrae together, otherwise her game is up.

McCrae, Andy, Spencer, Amanda, and Aaryn meet in the HOH room once last time to solidify everything. At this time, Aaryn is back on Team Amanda and will be putting Spencer up as a replacement. It is clear that no one will ever make a move against Amanda.
With all the arguing and everything, Spencer is in the best position in the game. No one is coming after him. He has dug up Amanda and McCrae's ass so far that we can barely see his legs anymore. I believe that he knows Amanda and McCrae are dangerous, but again he is too afraid to go against them because he sees what happened to everyone else that did. In the event he wins HOH he will most likely do whatever Andy tells him to do and never touch Amanda and McCrae. This is great for HIS game because he could stumble upon the final 5 easily. Unless he wins at that point they will obviously cut him loose but he doesn't see that. I see him as the Adam (BB13) of this season. He hasn't really won much and has no real solid deals. He is just floating to whoever he sees as powerful.
Whoo!!! It's getting hot up in heeah.