It's about 10:00pm in the BB house. Jessie makes her rounds and apologizes to everyone for her irrational behavior. I don't necessarily think she is doing it for possible votes, but more because it isn't the type of person she is and she genuinely likes the people in the house, even if they screwed her over. Since Jessie is being accepted back by Amanda, her sheep follow and all is well with the world again minus the occasional bash behind Jessie's back. Currently everyone is getting ready for Amanda and McCrae's second wedding. The couple got "engaged" a few weeks ago but eloped; however, since this wasn't on TV they are doing a second wedding. I'm sure CBS will be using it on air even though Brendon and Rachel did it first on Big Brother 13. I'd like to also point out that Brenchel is actually married in real life now and I'm sure Amanda and McCrae will be divorced before the show is over.
Here are some photos of the event:
Bridezilla was literally cussing and screaming several times when certain people got called to the DR before her wedding. She was screaming at GM for not hurrying up. Again, no one told her to stop because after all..she is their handler and not the other way around. (McCrae was outside all the while saying how he didn't want to do this "wedding shit" anyways)
GM complains that Jessie got the good sheet and she should have had to use a dirty towel or something. Amanda is continuing to pretend like she's really getting married and is screaming out loud that she needs more alcohol (in this bitch) and she is telling everyone to hurry the fuck up and cussing people out left and right. It is ridiculous. Absolutely moronic that anyone is participating. Then again all they care about is tv time. Here is a photo of her yelling and cussing at Big Brother through the camera. She even says "fun things might happen, might consummate the deal." Like anyone wants to see that crap?
More photos:
I'll save you the consummation of the marriage several hours later but it is just like every other night they do it.
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